Taurat Tertulis, yang kemudian biasa disebut Taurat saja, Torah, atau
Tanakh, yang berisi Lima Kitab Nabi Musa : Genesis (Kejadian), Eksodus
(Keluaran), Leviticus (Imamat), Numbers (Bilangan), dan Deuteronomy
(Ulangan). Namun terkadang istilah Tanakh atau Taurat Tertulis juga
dipakai untuk menyebut keseluruhan bagian yang biasa disebut oleh orang
Kristen sebagai Perjanjian Lama (The Old Testament) dan merupakan Bible
bagi orang Yahudi (Jewish Bible). Mereka meyakini bahwa Tanakh merupakan
firman Allah yang didiktekan kepada Nabi Musa lalu Musa menuliskannya
dalam dua buah lempeng batu, dan hal itu terjadi saat Nabi Musa menemui
Allah di Bukit Sinai selama empat puluh hari empat puluh malam. Dan,
Nabi Musa menerima pendiktean wahyu itu dua kali, karena – menurut
mereka – Nabi Musa telah memecahkan kedua lempeng batu yang diterima
kali pertama saat marah melihat umatnya ternyata menyembah patung lembu
dari emas. Sehingga, ia terpaksa mengambil lempengan batu dan menuliskan wahyu lagi untuk kedua kalinya.
Adapun, isi Tanakh (Jewish Bible) secara keseluruhan adalah sebagai berikut :
TORAH (The Law) :
- Bereishith (In the beginning...) (Genesis)
- Shemoth (The names...) (Exodus)
- Vayiqra (And He called...) (Leviticus)
- Bamidbar (In the wilderness...) (Numbers)
- Devarim (The words...) (Deuteronomy)
- Yehoshua (Joshua)
- Shoftim (Judges)
- Shmuel (I &II Samuel)
- Melakhim (I & II Kings)
- Yeshayah (Isaiah)
- Yirmyah (Jeremiah)
- Yechezqel (Ezekiel)
- The Twelve (treated as one book)
- Hoshea (Hosea)
- Yoel (Joel)
- Amos
- Ovadyah (Obadiah)
- Yonah (Jonah)
- Mikhah (Micah)
- Nachum
- Chavaqquq (Habbakkuk)
- Tzefanyah (Zephaniah)
- Chaggai
- Zekharyah (Zechariah)
- Malakhi
KETHUVIM (The Writings):
- Tehillim (Psalms)
- Mishlei (Proverbs)
- Iyov (Job)
- Shir Ha-Shirim (Song of Songs)
- Ruth
- Eikhah (Lamentations)
- Qoheleth (the author's name) (Ecclesiastes)
- Esther
- Daniel
- Ezra & Nechemyah (Nehemiah) (treated as one book)
- Divrei Ha-Yamim (The words of the days) (Chronicles)
Taurat Lisan – yang biasa disebut sebagai Talmud. Secara singkat dapat
dikatakan, orang Yahudi meyakini bahwa Talmud merupakan penjelasan atau
perincian atas Taurat (Tanakh). Adapun Talmud sendiri terdiri atas dua
komponen : 1) Mishnah, yang merupakan versi utama karena ditransmisikan
turun temurun secara lisan dari Nabi Musa ke Nabi Joshua, lalu ke Para
Tua-tua, lalu ke Para Nabi-nabi, sampai pada Generasi Great Assembly
yang dipimpin oleh Ezra, yakni sampai abad kedua Masehi. 2) Gemara, yang
merupakan versi analisis atau pelengkap atau komplemen atau komentar
atas Mishnah, karena baru muncul dengan versi yang berbeda-beda pasca
generasi Great Assembly (abad kedua Masehi). Kumpulan Mishnah dan Gemara
itulah yang kemudian disebut sebagai Talmud. Ada dua versi Talmud
akibat perbedaan isi Gemara yang ada pada masing-masing dari keduanya.
Pertama, Talmud Jerussalem yang dikodifikasikan pada abad ketiga Masehi.
Kedua, Talmud Babilonia yang dikodifikasikan pada abad kelima Masehi.
Mishnah terdiri atas enam bagian yang disebut sebagai sedarim (Ing :
orders), dimana masing-masing seder terdiri atas beberapa masekhtot (Ing
: tractates). Jumlah keseluruhan terdapat 63 masekhtot. Berikut ini
daftar sedarim dan masekhtot tersebut :
Seder Zera'im (Seeds), dealing with agricultural laws
corners of field
corners of field
tithing produce purchased from a person suspected of not having tithed properly
tithing produce purchased from a person suspected of not having tithed properly
prohibitions of crossbreeding and mingling varied species of plants, animals, and clothing
prohibitions of crossbreeding and mingling varied species of plants, animals, and clothing
Sabbatical year
Sabbatical year
gifts due to Cohanim
gifts due to Cohanim
tithes given to the Levites
tithes given to the Levites
Ma'aser Sheni:
tithes eaten in Jerusalem
tithes eaten in Jerusalem
the portion of dough given to the Cohanim
the portion of dough given to the Cohanim
forbidden fruits
forbidden fruits
first fruits brought to the Temple
first fruits brought to the Temple
the amalgamation of Sabbath bounds
the amalgamation of Sabbath bounds
observance of the Passover festival
observance of the Passover festival
the annual tax paid to the Temple
the annual tax paid to the Temple
observance of Yom Kippur
observance of Yom Kippur
observance of Sukkoth
observance of Sukkoth
festival laws
festival laws
Rosh Hashana:
observance of Rosh Hashana
observance of Rosh Hashana
communal fasts
communal fasts
reading of the book of Esther on Purim
reading of the book of Esther on Purim
Mo'ed Katan:
observance of the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkoth
observance of the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkoth
sacrifices offered during the three pilgrimage festivals
sacrifices offered during the three pilgrimage festivals
the mutual rights and duties of husband and wife
the mutual rights and duties of husband and wife
the making and annulment of vows
the making and annulment of vows
concerning Nazirite vows
concerning Nazirite vows
biblical laws relating to one's wife
biblical laws relating to one's wife
laws of divorce and the annulment of marriage
laws of divorce and the annulment of marriage
laws of marital status
laws of marital status
Seder Nezikin (Damages), dealing with tort laws and other financial laws
Bava Metzia:
on lost and found property, embezzlement, fraud, usury, rights of hired laborers, partnership
on lost and found property, embezzlement, fraud, usury, rights of hired laborers, partnership
Bava Bathra:
on real estate, inheritance, partnership, legal documentation
on real estate, inheritance, partnership, legal documentation
on courts of justice and judicial procedure
on courts of justice and judicial procedure
on criminal punishment and cities of refuge
on criminal punishment and cities of refuge
on private oaths or those administered by the court
on private oaths or those administered by the court
one hundred laws transmitted them in the form of testimonies
one hundred laws transmitted them in the form of testimonies
Avodah Zarah:
on prohibitions of idolatry and superstitions
ethical teachings
ethical teachings
on misdirection in matters of religious law, origination from religious authorities
on misdirection in matters of religious law, origination from religious authorities
the cereal and drink offerings
the cereal and drink offerings
on the slaughter of animals and the dietary laws
on the slaughter of animals and the dietary laws
concerning the human firstborn and the animal firstlings
concerning the human firstborn and the animal firstlings
on vows of valuation or contributions to the Temple
on vows of valuation or contributions to the Temple
the substitution of one species for another
the substitution of one species for another
on the sins punishable by death or being cut off from community of Israel
on the sins punishable by death or being cut off from community of Israel
on sacrilegious treatment of temple property
on sacrilegious treatment of temple property
on the morning and evening offerings
on the morning and evening offerings
Temple architecture
Temple architecture
bird offerings
bird offerings
Seder Tohoroth (Purities), dealing with laws of ritual purity and impurity
on the defilement caused by a corpse
on the defilement caused by a corpse
concerning leprosy
concerning leprosy
regulations concerning the red cow
regulations concerning the red cow
on the defilements which continue until sunset
on the defilements which continue until sunset
on the requirements of baths for ritual purification
on the requirements of baths for ritual purification
the laws of family purity
the laws of family purity
on liquids and foods that are susceptible to ritual uncleanness
on liquids and foods that are susceptible to ritual uncleanness
concerning secretions which render a person unclean
concerning secretions which render a person unclean
Tevul Yom:
on the ritual status of a person who, having incurred and uncleanness that lasts until evening, has taken the required bath known as tevilah and must now await sunset before he is fully clean
on the ritual status of a person who, having incurred and uncleanness that lasts until evening, has taken the required bath known as tevilah and must now await sunset before he is fully clean
concerning the defilement of the hands
concerning the defilement of the hands
on fruits and plants susceptible to uncleanness
on fruits and plants susceptible to uncleanness
Disamping Tanakh dan Talmud, terdapat pula Midrashim yang berisi kisah-kisah yang lebih jauh dari yang ada dalam Tanakh. Misalnya,
kisah tidak mampunya Musa berbicara dengan baik adalah karena sewaktu
bayi pernah memakan batubara yang membara. Juga kisah tentang Ibrahim
yang menentang berhala-berhala buatan ayahnya sehingga ia menghancurkan
semua berhala tersebut kecuali yang paling besar.
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